M14 7 is a postcode sector in Manchester, UK. Below is a complete list of M14 7 Postcodes (Active). M14 7 postcode sector comprises of 232 active postcodes. M14 7 sector has a population of 13104, and it has 5114 properties in the region.
Population | 13104 |
Addresses / Property Count | 5114 |
Active Postcodes | 232 |
Nearby Postcode Districts | 47 |
Nearby Postcode Sectors | 5 |
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Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Households | Population | Easting | Northing |
M14 7AA | 53.44460500 | -2.23145500 | 12 | 34 | 384724 | 394229 |
M14 7AB | 53.44465800 | -2.23199700 | 15 | 36 | 384688 | 394235 |
M14 7AD | 53.44585900 | -2.23341900 | 19 | 52 | 384594 | 394369 |
M14 7AE | 53.44689900 | -2.23499000 | 15 | 37 | 384490 | 394485 |
M14 7AF | 53.44528600 | -2.23261800 | 20 | 65 | 384647 | 394305 |
M14 7AG | 53.44726100 | -2.23383300 | 31 | 70 | 384567 | 394525 |
M14 7AH | 53.44557000 | -2.23438100 | 16 | 45 | 384530 | 394337 |
M14 7AJ | 53.44435700 | -2.23405800 | 20 | 44 | 384551 | 394202 |
M14 7AL | 53.44427400 | -2.23491600 | 16 | 46 | 384494 | 394193 |
M14 7AN | 53.44549600 | -2.23528400 | 16 | 37 | 384470 | 394329 |
M14 7AP | 53.44453100 | -2.23670900 | 15 | 43 | 384375 | 394222 |
M14 7AQ | 53.44579300 | -2.23533100 | 17 | 54 | 384467 | 394362 |
M14 7AR | 53.44698400 | -2.23304900 | 21 | 39 | 384619 | 394494 |
M14 7AS | 53.44718400 | -2.23177000 | 27 | 67 | 384704 | 394516 |
M14 7AT | 53.44600600 | -2.23189900 | 11 | 28 | 384695 | 394385 |
M14 7AW | 53.44458700 | -2.23604700 | 15 | 35 | 384419 | 394228 |
M14 7AY | 53.44461100 | -2.23262900 | 16 | 51 | 384646 | 394230 |
M14 7AZ | 53.44424700 | -2.23071500 | 22 | 44 | 384773 | 394189 |
M14 7BA | 53.44442300 | -2.22782500 | 71 | 160 | 384965 | 394208 |
M14 7BB | 53.44398100 | -2.22850000 | 20 | 45 | 384920 | 394159 |
M14 7BD | 53.44584700 | -2.23040800 | 17 | 35 | 384794 | 394367 |
M14 7BE | 53.44604300 | -2.23116100 | 14 | 37 | 384744 | 394389 |
M14 7BF | 53.44779700 | -2.23088500 | 13 | 25 | 384763 | 394584 |
M14 7BG | 53.44785800 | -2.23193900 | 32 | 73 | 384693 | 394591 |
M14 7BH | 53.44652300 | -2.22943300 | 14 | 33 | 384859 | 394442 |
M14 7BJ | 53.44716100 | -2.22966200 | 10 | 24 | 384844 | 394513 |
M14 7BL | 53.44718700 | -2.23014400 | 11 | 22 | 384812 | 394516 |
M14 7BN | 53.44825600 | -2.23031500 | 7 | 16 | 384801 | 394635 |
M14 7BP | 53.44891700 | -2.23277300 | 21 | 64 | 384638 | 394709 |
M14 7BQ | 53.44841400 | -2.23252900 | 30 | 62 | 384654 | 394653 |
M14 7BR | 53.44869800 | -2.23423200 | 39 | 92 | 384541 | 394685 |
M14 7BS | 53.44876400 | -2.23269700 | 27 | 68 | 384643 | 394692 |
M14 7BT | 53.44746900 | -2.23299100 | 43 | 82 | 384623 | 394548 |
M14 7BU | 53.44755500 | -2.23512900 | 7 | 17 | 384481 | 394558 |
M14 7BW | 53.44928700 | -2.23190200 | 16 | 28 | 384696 | 394750 |
M14 7BX | 53.44810100 | -2.23599100 | 23 | 45 | 384424 | 394619 |
M14 7BY | 53.44759800 | -2.23621400 | 6 | 15 | 384409 | 394563 |
M14 7BZ | 53.44719000 | -2.23755200 | 10 | 22 | 384320 | 394518 |
M14 7DA | 53.44683600 | -2.23855700 | 10 | 29 | 384253 | 394479 |
M14 7DB | 53.44391800 | -2.23788000 | 18 | 31 | 384297 | 394154 |
M14 7DD | 53.44540900 | -2.23820400 | 52 | 99 | 384276 | 394320 |
M14 7DE | 53.44957800 | -2.23008100 | 7 | 24 | 384817 | 394782 |
M14 7DG | 53.44300400 | -2.23200300 | 9 | 22 | 384687 | 394051 |
M14 7DH | 53.44297100 | -2.22546900 | 4 | 14 | 385121 | 394046 |
M14 7DL | 53.44404700 | -2.23066800 | 12 | 19 | 384776 | 394167 |
M14 7DN | 53.44316300 | -2.22872200 | 27 | 104 | 384905 | 394068 |
M14 7DP | 53.44226200 | -2.22522400 | 62 | 170 | 385137 | 393967 |
M14 7DQ | 53.44309500 | -2.23123600 | 3 | 10 | 384738 | 394061 |
M14 7DR | 53.44392600 | -2.23404000 | 30 | 99 | 384552 | 394154 |
M14 7DS | 53.44343100 | -2.23393200 | 30 | 85 | 384559 | 394099 |